Monday, May 6, 2013

Misadventure #1 -- Artistic Expression (Part III)

Acting Part 3 – The Aftermath
Last time…I had just received my paycheck for the extra gig on Hatfield and McCoys.

I sat in my living room, basking in the glow of my $87.54 windfall and brush with fame.  I was charged up.  Despite the long hours and low pay I had a lot of fun.  On the downside I learned that acting is hard and tedious work.  We spent 6 hours shooting a scene that might end up as a two minute segment of the pilot.  On the upside I’d had close encounters with Charlize Theron and Rebecca DeMornay.  I had walked through the shot and will probably appear in the show if all of the following happen:

·         NBC buys the pilot

·         The scene appears in the pilot

·         The portion of the scene that appears in the pilot features a wide angle shot

I think I have a pretty good chance.

Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat.  I set up a profile on the casting company’s website and my name has been submitted for several extra jobs on various shoots in the Boston area.  So far no bites.  I guess that’s show business.

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